Message from the Chief Executive Officer
Each year, ASBA strives to achieve new standards of success when providing the quality services and products our members have come to expect.
Professional development opportunities brought members together both in person and virtually to hear from world-renowned speakers and expanded resources were offered on The Learning Centre.
In particular, ASBA focused on supports in advance of, during, and after the municipal election in October 2021 with a goal to increase the public’s awareness of the essential work locally-elected trustees do in ensuring student success throughout the province. This was accomplished through a series of videos, a robust social media campaign and extensive resources for new and returning trustee candidates. Additionally, various onboarding and orientations were offered post-election to trustees to ensure a foundation of success.
Advocacy remained a critical component of the ASBA’s work. Through a rigorous and strategic approach to our advocacy, we were able to diligently represent our members and provide coordinated feedback to government. We have continued to foster strong relationships with various ministries and educational partners to share school boards’ experiences in support of student learning. Additionally, numerous opportunities were offered for generative discussion on educational topics, allowing maximum responsiveness to the needs of our diverse members.This past year, the Association renewed its Indigenous Advisory Council. Each Council member shared incredible wisdom, guidance and lived experiences to advance our reconciliation efforts. We appreciate and honour this important journey.
During the 2021 Fall General Meeting awards celebration, it was a great honour to receive the President’s Award. I look forward to continuing to strive for excellence in delivering quality services and resources that meet our members’ needs any time, any where and at any pace.
I extend my sincere thanks to our President and Vice-president for their vision of continuous improvement and to the ASBA Board of Directors for their support and guidance in allowing ASBA to reach new heights. I offer my gratitude to the team of dedicated and innovative staff and consultants at ASBA and to each of our members for their continued trust and support.
I look forward to future years of supporting member boards and expanding our impact.

Dr. Vivian Abboud
Aah kah poi kah kii
(Many Children Clan Woman)

I look forward to continuing to strive for excellence in delivering quality services and resources that meet our members’ needs any time, any where and at any pace.

Dr. Vivian Abboud
Aah kah poi kah kii
(Many Children Clan Woman)