2021-2022 Annual Report

September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022

Empowering School Board Governance

As part of ASBA’s Strategic Priority 1, to empower school boards to govern in support of the diverse educational needs of all students, ASBA provided customizable and quality services to all member boards to adapt to their local needs.

This was offered through various avenues including through zones, Board Chairs meetings, Spring and Fall General Meetings and ASBA’s online learning platform: The Learning Centre (TLC). Numerous opportunities for member boards to speak directly to government were provided through facilitated sessions with the Minister of Education and ministry staff.

Connecting through Professional Development

ASBA continued offering hybrid meetings to allow for a more seamless and efficient experience for member boards. This included hosting meetings and professional development offerings on both in-person and virtual platforms, allowing members to hear from renowned speakers around the world.

Sessions were offered related to the political landscape, reconciliation, post-pandemic unity, systems thinking, emotional intelligence and mental wellness. Zone-led initiatives such as Coffee Conversations were hosted on a variety of topics, providing member boards opportunities for open and constructive conversations.

Total TLC


Total education services offered:


Expanding The Learning Centre (TLC)

ASBA expanded self-paced, self-guided resources available to member boards through TLC, based on their feedback. This online learning platform offers a comprehensive collection of articles, podcasts, presentations, videos, links, reports and more. Six new courses were developed bringing the total to 20. Efficiencies were increased by retiring select legacy courses and amalgamating/enhancing others into one resource.

Our five new courses include:

  • Board Chairs eHandbook 
  • Financial Literacy
  • Financial Oversight
  • Trustee eHandbook

Superintendent Appointment or Reappointment Notification File

ASBA is reviewing current and future resources in order to provide additional “mircolearning” resources – smaller lessons focused on one concept – as well as full courses.

Providing increased education services

ASBA consultants provide member boards with services to support exceptional governance. These include leadership services, professional development, and professional services such as board orientation, board or superintendent evaluations, superintendent recruitments, policy reviews, strategic planning and conflict resolution.

In the past fiscal year, services by ASBA consultants were accessed 57 times by 24 individual member boards, including 15 superintendent evaluations and 4 superintendent recruitments.

Ensuring best governance practices

In the Spring of 2022, the Board of Directors established ASBA’s member-led Governance Task Force, to conduct a thorough, line-by-line review of ASBA’s Bylaws and Board Governance Policies to ensure alignment of current procedures and best practice. The Board appointed a strong and diverse group of trustees from different zones with expertise in governance and policy development. Since June of 2022, the Governance Policies and Bylaws underwent various stages of review and will move forward at ASBA’s 2023 Spring General Meeting for members to approve Bylaw amendments.
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